A Fable is a short story that teaches a lesson, or a moral. The characters are usually personified animals that have human flaw, or problem. One character learns a lesson from another character.
A legend is a story coming down from the past; especially one popularly regarded as historical although not verifiable.
Pourquois tales that gives an explanation for why things in nature are a certain way. Characters are usually animals or objects in nature. One character has a flaw, or problem.
Trickster Tales are short stories where one character is a trickster that uses clever pranks, or tricks to fool another character. Often the trickster is much smaller and weaker than the character he fools. The main characters are usually animals. The story is short and usually funny.
Fairy Tales are stories that are about magical and imaginary people and lands. This tale always ends in a happy ending.
Comments (1)
June Shanahan said
at 3:39 pm on Sep 28, 2014
Dear Mrs. Cunningham & amazing 3rd graders,
I love your wiki page so much, I'm going to add it to my own wiki page. You are brilliant.
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